Marlena de blasi interview techniques
Marlena de blasi orvieto!
Reading Group Guide
1. "Even as I am drawn to Venice, so I am suspicious of her." Why did this well-traveled author deliberately shun Venice for so long?
Why was she so suspicious?
2. The author's family and friends respond in many different ways to her decision to move to Venice and marry Fernando.
Marlena de blasi interview techniques
Without the benefit of hindsight, what do you think your initial response would be to a friend or a relative planning such a drastic life change?
3. When she and Fernando first kiss, de Blasi recognizes that they "are not too old" for love.
Yet her love affair inspires awkwardness, suspicion, and even embarrassment in many of those around her. Discuss the internal and external barriers to love found later in life.
4. In the midst of a quarrel with Fernando, the author wonders "why there always hovers, just an inch or two above love, some small itch for revenge." Discuss this statement.
What other emotions and reactions hover just abov