Vatican pope francis background satanic temple
Vatican pope francis background satanic temple video...
Vatican pope francis background satanic temple
Vatican conspiracy theories
Theories involving the Roman Catholic Church
See also: List of conspiracy theories § Anti-Catholic conspiracy theories, and Anti-Catholicism
Vatican conspiracy theories are conspiracy theories that concern the Pope or the Roman Catholic Church.
A majority of the theories allege that the Church and its representatives are secretly controlling secular society with a satanic agenda for global domination.
Death of Pope John Paul I
For main article, see Pope John Paul I conspiracy theories.
Pope John Paul I died in September 1978, only a month after his election to the papacy.
The timing of his death and the Vatican's alleged difficulties with ceremonial and legal death procedures have fostered several conspiracy theories. British author David Yallop wrote extensively about unsolved crimes and conspiracy theories, and in his 1984 book In God's Name suggested that John Paul I died because he was about to uncover financial scandals allegedl