Aaron douglas paintings aspects of negro life

  • Aaron douglas paintings aspects of negro life
  • Aaron douglas paintings aspects of negro life

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  • Aspects of negro life mural.

    Aspects of Negro Life, Aaron Douglas' Significant Mural Series

    One of the greatest cultural phenomena of the interwar period in the United State was undoubtedly the Harlem Renaissance.

    It has appeared in the aftermath of the first wave of the Great Migration, when thousands of African Americans left the Southern parts of the confederation and populated the North to reach social and economic stability and dignified existence.

    The streets of the New York district called Harlem became a site of ongoing shifts and a climate that enabled artists, writers, scientists, and other Black Americans to articulate their own culture and racial pride.

    The Negro movement, as the Harlem Renaissance was called at the time, nurtured numerous highly talented women and men who embraced modernity to the full extent while exploring and celebrating their racial heritage, as well as their position in arts that were overshadowed by the white privilege.

    One of the leading artists of this movement was