Herodotus greek biography

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    Herodotus greek biography

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  • Early Life 

    Herodotus was born in about B.C. in the Greek city of Halicarnassus, a lively commercial center on the southwestern coast of Asia Minor. He came from a wealthy and cosmopolitan Greek-Carian merchant family.

    (The Carians, of Minoan descent, had arrived in that part of Asia Minor before the Greeks had.)

    In the middle of the 6th century B.C., Halicarnassus became a satrapy, or province, of the Persian Empire and was ruled by the tyrant Lygdamis.

    Herodotus’ family opposed Lygdamis’ rule and was sent into exile on the island of Samos.

    Herodotus greek biography for kids

    History Lists: Ancient Empire Builders

    When he was a young man, Herodotus returned briefly to Halicarnassus to take part in an abortive anti-Persian rebellion. After that, however, the writer never returned to his home city again.

    Did you know?

    In B.C., Herodotus joined a group of Athenians who set out to colonize a city, Thurii, in southern Italy. He died there in around B.C.

    Origins of ‘The Histories’ 

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