Florence nightingale video biography frank

  • Florence nightingale video biography frank
  • KS2: Florence Nightingale – The founder of modern nursing...

    Scherrikar Bell:
    Who made nursing what it is today?

    Scherrikar Bell:
    Well, nursing came on in leaps and bounds thanks to this woman…

    Florence Nightingale:
    Florence Nightingale.

    Scherrikar Bell:
    The lady with the lamp.

    Florence Nightingale: was born on the 12th May 1820 in Florence, Italy, hence the name but was raised in England.

    Florence nightingale video biography frank

  • Florence nightingale video clips
  • KS2: Florence Nightingale – The founder of modern nursing
  • Florence Nightingale || Biography in Nepal || GyanMandu
  • Florence Nightingale : a biography : Matheson, Annie, 1853 ...
  • And while it's true that she was the founder of modern nursing, she did so much more than that. Florence helped the Victorian world to see that…

    Florence Nightingale:
    Women have just as much an important role in the workforce as men do.

    Scherrikar Bell:
    Growing up in an affluent family, it was expected that Florence would marry and start a family of her own but she had other ideas.

    From a young age she said…

    Florence Nightingale:
    I want to be a healer.

    Scherrikar Bell:
    … even though at the time nursing wasn't seen as a respectable job for anyone, let along a woman from the upper classes.

    Florence worked and studied hard even travelling to G